Thursday, February 10, 2011

Animal Hospital Geneva: Pet Empathy or Furball Apathy?

You’ve been searching for Animal Hospital Geneva that can meet your high standards for your best friend in fur. You’ve been largely disappointed. Your dog’s been nothing but a number; your cat’s been asked to take a ticket; and your ferret is just another character in a long line of nameless creatures waiting for their turns on the veterinary disassembly line.

If you’re getting the distinct feeling that your pet is nothing but another faceless furball passing through, it might be time to rethink the criteria that you’re using to select Animal Hospital Geneva. A good place to start is with routine care.

No matter how many routine services your dog’s veterinarian dispenses in a day, the one that you’re requesting is the only one your pet will be receiving this month, this year, or this lifetime. Therefore, if you want to know how your pet will be treated by Animal Hospital Geneva in the case of surgery or emergency, simply take a good look at how she’s treated during customary, scheduled visits.

animal hospital geneva

Vaccinations: If your pet’s veterinarian doesn’t explain the importance and the possible side effects of vaccines, he’s not considering your inexperience with the implications of distemper, rabies, feline AIDS, or other potentially deadly diseases. A veterinarian should never tire of distributing helpful, lifesaving information.

Spay and Neuter: Your pet will only be neutered or spayed once in his or her lifetime. This makes it a unique experience for your pet and possibly for you, too. No matter how many of these procedures the veterinarian has performed, empathy for your concerns proves that you and your pet hold places of importance. Additionally, a vet’s insistence on testing before anesthesia administration shows that he cares about your pet’s wellbeing.

Sick Visits: Maybe dog constipation or cat sneezing is common, but if you’ve never seen it, it’s new to you. An empathetic veterinarian will understand this and give you the information necessary to familiarize yourself with the most unusual pet health problems, even if they’re old hat for him.

animal hospital geneva

Language: A veterinarian who isn’t fluent in the native language of his clients is skipping out on transferring critical information. A pet’s health can suffer when a language barrier stands between her owner and her healthcare provider. A veterinarian who has taken the time to learn your language knows that something as important as communication should never be taken for granted.

Pet Side Manner: Personalized care during routine services isn’t only comforting, it sends clear messages about an animal doctor’s attention to healthcare details. Does your pet’s veterinarian know her name? Does he take time to interact with her? Does he reassure you with valuable information instead of generic fluff? If he does all of this, your pet is more than a number. She’s the winner of a veterinarian who cares.

Are the Animal Hospital Geneva that you’ve been frequenting taking the seemingly mundane for granted? If so, critical emergency care will surely suffer. Make it your mission to find Animal Hospital Geneva that see every visit, no matter how seemingly routine, as an important contribution to your pet’s long, healthy life.

Your pet is a precious part of your family. When Animal Hospital Geneva recognize this, the level of care that your best furry, feathered, or scaled friend receives will be elevated.

It’s time to redefine routine care. A veterinarian at Animal Hospital Geneva might administer hundreds of vaccines in a day, look into dozens of noses, and make numerous thermometers disappear, but there are those who do it with innovative empathy and those who drudge through it with everyday apathy. Give your pet the gift of a veterinarian who takes the time to slip into her paws and claws. Give her Animal Hospital Geneva that put a face, a name, and priceless value to that furball whom you call “friend.”

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